Sunday, February 1, 2015

Mapping the Redbrand Hideout Areas 3-6

So I haven't been able to post as much as I'd like to this past week mainly because we had relatives over and they're using my room to sleep in while i got stuck with my "workshop" and I usually don't like to do things in the workshop if I'm sleeping there(all the mess and all that). I also haven't finished my Numenera playtest writeup since I got busy with work and my Only War session got cancelled yesterday since one of my players went on vacation with a lack of internet. So here I am doing the Red Brand Hideout again.

Since my Numenera playtest writeup is still in the works I decided to do something quick which is doing these 3D tiles for the redbrand hideout.

If you've read  my previous articles on making the tiles it follows pretty much the same process, basically draw your tile on the foam, cut it out, paint it black dry brush gray to your taste. I don't have a picture of the tiles setup to look like the actual map since I finished these right before dinner time and had to clean up either way they're only 95% done without some basing techniques which I'll get to later

However what I'd like to talk about is the pit trap on Area 3, I didn't want to make a long 2x8 tile since I wanted to place the pit trap without making it hard for myself. So what I did was instead of making a long 2x8 tile I made a 2x4, a 2x2(which becomes the trap) and a 3x3 tile segment(which is now part of the last 2x4 section of area 4.

I needed to do this since when I want to place the trap I didn't want it to be an obvious trap tile like the legit tiles from WoTC since it becomes placed on top of your regular floor tiles. I wanted to make a functional 2x2 tile which I think ill be able to reuse often since It can function as a connector to rooms or as its intended purpose of a trap tile.

To make the pit effect I simply created a gradiation of gray and black starting with the black from the center then dark gray to the edges with the lightest gray. Now when I use it in the game should the players fail the test i simply flip the tile over to show its a pit trap. I wouldn't worry about my players knowing that the tile is an obvious tile trap becase in the long run when you use it often enough as a floor tile they'll forget that you can use it as a trap when you need to.

I also wanted to show a different polishing technique by using cement sand, regular sand or fine gravel to add more life into the tiles like with the moss but sadly I lost my bottle of white glue and wasn't able to do it. The logic for using the sand is to add a bit of aged texture on the insides of the dungeon since the moss would only work if the flooring and walls were regularly exposed to rain or other wet sources(like fountains) which is ideal for the dungeon entrance areas. The sand effect however would give more of an inside corridor feel since the sand would likely come from the ceiling or eroded dungeon walls. 

Once i get a new bottle of glue I'll make a quick update along with the completed layout of areas 3-6 if my table has space for areas 1-2 and the secret corridors I'll show it too.

My next likely projects would be Areas 7,9,10 and 11 since those rooms would be easier but I'm likely going to be only making a post on how i make the stairs rather than the entire rooms themselves since I think i can resuse the current tiles I've made right now to make them. Area 8 however would be my last since im still thinking of how to make the cavern effects with square tiles. After that I'll make a wilderness tile using basing techniques I've learned from minature wargaming.


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